Our Story

Besides knowing each other for half of their lives and playing football together, Pedro and Paulo shared a common dream: they wanted to become professional players. But since none of them is actually that disciplined (or that into football, for the matter), they decided something else: to become entrepreneurs and start their own business together. They realized that there was a lack of technical and commercial knowledge in the Affiliate Network market, and also the need for professional, trustworthy companies. That’s why REVLINKER was born, to shake up the industry and show how it’s done (the right way).

What then?

A two men job quickly became three (João came along too). It took them long working hours and several co-work spaces to kick-start the company from the ground up. Initially, funding and resources were almost nonexistent, so they relied on pure manpower and strong will to grow and be better each day. It took nine months until REVLINKER could go to the first event and establish meaningful connections with other companies. Three months after that, a fourth person was hired.

The rest, as they say in a cheesy way, it’s history.

Nearly three years have passed. REVLINKER’s team keeps growing, and we keep investing in technology and in the best ways of doing the thing we do best: revolutionize the industry.

In REVLINKER We Believe in These Six Principles:


Being Persistent

We are resilient because we don’t like to give up that easily. It might take us more time, but we’ll work it out.


Being Ballsy

We like to push and take risks every time we feel there’s a value in that.


Staying Fun

It’s in our spirit, and we can’t ignore it. Goofing on makes life more interesting.


Living Young

Young heart and minded. It’s not about age, it’s about attitude.


Providing Mutual Help

We help each other, and we help others. We won’t save the world, but we’ll make it better somehow.


Being Resourceful

Even if we don’t have all the tools, we make it happen.

See the Faces Behind the Screen

The Revlinker Team

Professionals you can count on

A result-driven group built with experienced professionals to follow all collaborations with the same dedication, passion and competence. We treat our partners like we would like to be treated.

The Revlinker Team

Professionals you can count on

A result-driven group built with experienced professionals to follow all collaborations with the same dedication, passion and competence. We treat our partners like we would like to be treated.

See the Faces Behind the Screen

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